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Sunday, November 6, 2011

How can I be a scientist?

When talking about what scientists do, I wanted to reat the book, What is a Scientist or What is Science, unfortunately Amazon did not want to be my friend and send the books on time. I frantically called my sweet scientist friends, Mike and Udi and asked them to tell me what a scientist does. I then wrote my own super short book. The kids loved the fact that I knew people who were scientists and that they helped me write a book.

We made a chart about what a scientist does and how they can be scientists. One precious little girl told her family about our science poster and said they will be making one at home.

This idea came from an AMAZING blog:
The kids kept on asking if I drew my science man. For some reason they think that I can't draw. Silly kids. I tell them all the time that I am good at a lot of things and super duper smart. Also I have super sonic hearing and sight ;)

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